Conexão Para Parafuso

Regbar provides efficient and safe equipment designed for all bricks, parts, brick security systems (with and without insulation) and bonds. It is bond to concrete walls, columns or facades of steel and wooden buildings with Regbar brick separators.  Separators reduce the risk of cracks in the wall and allow it to slide vertically in the channel. Regbar Brick Separators can be placed at a desired point in the wall construction and brick tie channel at desired intervals.

Brick Tie System

Regbar Brick Safety Systems enable to take efficient and reliable measures designed for knots in all brick sections (without any gap or insulation). With Regbar Brick Separators concrete walls, columns or steel and wooden structures are connected to masonry facades. Separators reduce potential risk of wall cracking and allow vertical slipping in the channel.. Regbar Brick Separators can be placed anywhere at recommended intervals at wall construction joint and inside the brick-binding channel. 


Known as Joint Reinforcement of Bearing, Regbar Masonry Reinforcement increases structural performance of walls (eg. Wind). In addition, according to BS5628-3: 2005, it reduces the risk of cracking in tension concentrations around the openings or cracking caused by movement.

Wall Ties & Restraint Fixings

Wall ties and fixings are an important element for the strength of wall panels.

Regbar manufactures various lengths and types of fittings to limit brick, block and stone masonry labor.