Manufatura Pré-fabricada

Regbar Superstructure Elements (Roof Truss, Purlin Beam, Gutter Beam, Column, Ridge Piece, Crane Beam, Floor Beams, Paving Slabs)

Regbar Facade Elements (Concrete Facade Linings, Roof Parapets, TT Facade Panel)

Regbar Bridge Beams and Tunnel Segments (Prestressed Bridge Beams, Prefabricated Tunnel Segments, Concrete Traverse, Box Culvert, Underpass Elements)

Regbar Infrastructure and Environment Elements (Prefabricated Foundation, Retaining Walls, Garden Walls)

Regbar Concrete Prefabricated Systems: Reliable connection of concrete facades and safety for challenging facades.

Upon beginning of the manufacturing of prefabricated projects and according to availability of molds, manufacturing is planned by taking the completion time of the work into consideration. In accordance with this schedule, mold modifications are made according to manufacturing projects. Quality staff controls the molds to ensure that they are made according to the requirements of the project. If appropriate, the process begins upon approval of the mold. If it is not, the required operation is performed. During this process, iron reinforcements are prepared according to the product projects. After they are placed in the mold, necessary anchors and embedded elements are checked. Following the approval of reinforcement, concrete samples are taken during concrete casting to maintain the quality control of the concrete. Upon completion of concrete casting, the concrete is covered after a while and curing begins. After reaching the desired strength, the necessary quality control and durability tests are carried out and they are moved to the project area or storage area.

Axis and grade works of foundation manufacturing are completed in the work or project site before the assembly and if there are no problems, assembly process begins. Upon completion of assembly necessary finishes are performed and the building is delivered.

Regbar Concrete Pre-Casting Systems ensure a fast and economic installation of pre-casting.

Column Shoe

Column Shoes (Column Apparatus) are fasteners that provide fast and secure connections between precast concrete columns and foundations or between precast concrete columns. It is a widely approved product for various types of precast columns.

Regbar Corbel

Regbar Corbel is a modular corbel where the cast part provides flat mold walls and the bolted bracket offers superior adjustability and high resistances. The PCs® Corbel system ensures reaching the maximum earth height and visually attractive beam-to-column connections in dwellings.

Beam Shoe

Beam Shoes forms effective, moment-resistant bolted connections between precast concrete columns and precast concrete beams. They are used with Anchor Connectors. The wide range of products is suitable for most light and heavy load conditions.

Long Corbel

Long Corbel is a structural steel part used to support the precast floor elements to the beams. It is normally used in TT plates or secondary beams placed between supporting structures.

Precast Panel Anchors

Fast and easy anchorage of concrete facade panels to concrete support structure

Load groups from 5.0 to 56 kN

Also suitable for use in panel thicknesses of 30-50 mm

Parapet Corbels

Economic use with 8 different profile sizes

Suitable for different insulation thicknesses

Stainless steel for high corrosion protection

Wire Sandwich Panel Anchors

Installation is simple and fast

Officially approved, technically advanced system

Economically applicable even for very thick insulation layers between concrete cover

Flat Anchors

Absorption of high loads

Also suitable for large unit sizes


Adjuster for aligning precast concrete wall elements

Easy, damage free screwable height adjustment

Minimum effort is enough