
  1. Wire Mesh

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    Extended metal sheets add extra value to the buildings and extend the lifetime of the building itself by protecting them from corrosion and weather conditions. It also allows daylight to pass into the building as it is extended and flexible. Besides, mesh sheets are also environmentally friendly. Using mesh sheets means less AC usage and a lower cost of electricity.

    Mesh Sheets
    We can produce various sizes of steel meshes with different specific needs of customers.

    Crom-Nickel {AISI 304 – 316L — 310 — 314 – 316), Galvanized, Bronzed, Brass, Copper, and Plastics (Polypropylene, Polyamide,e, etc.) are the main raw materials for mesh manufacturing, and the working range is @ 0,025mm – @ 10mm for the wire diameters. ASTMA666__sAAIS/I MS 58, MS 63, MS 70, MS 90

    We apply coating for all types of our products. Coating provides extra resistance to the product in terms of weather conditions and also provides extra life for the product itself. In addition to all standard coatings, Regbar also offers PVD titanium coating of the SS materials for life lifelong guarantee of the product.